Friday, August 31, 2012

Off to school you go...

WOW! In just a few days I will be dropping you off at Kindergarten.
My Baby. My Little.
When you were born someone told me that in parenting
"the days are long, but the years are short".
At the time I was doubtful of that advice. I was in the middle of sleepless nights and endless diapers.
I couldn't imagine a day would come without either.
But come it did.
You no longer need me to change your diaper, warm a bottle or wipe your nose.
You're growing up.
Into a beautiful little girl.

You need me in new ways now.
You need me to bite my tongue when you finally decide to tackle the monkey bars I think are a
little too high.
You need me to celebrate enthusiastically after your first successful sleepover.
You're brave my girl.
"Be STRONG and COURAGEOUS. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with YOU
wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9 

You need me to tell you the truth about your family.
When you don't understand why for now it's the two of us.
(And our GREAT BIG tribe)
You need to hear me say...
Whatever choices your mommy & daddy make the truth is

"You, Rylann Evelyn Grace, are the very BEST of both of us!"

You take life in stride.
That's your dad.
You love with your whole heart.
That's me.
You help willingly and eagerly always.
That's your dad.
You're passionate and creative.
That's me.

But there's something else I see in you, my sweet girl.
A desire to find and know the truth.
In all circumstances you want to know "is that true?"
It's fun to pretend, but in the end you are a seeker of truth.
That's all you my girl! 

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me
with all of your heart."
Jeremiah 29:13

You need me to forgive you every time you ask for it.
It's your new thing.
 Anytime you do something wrong, or perceive you've done something wrong
you ask "do you 'give me?" 
So very often there's nothing to forgive.
What happens are accidents and mistakes, all a part of growing up.
But because you ask so sincerely I am always quick to say...
"Of course I forgive you."
And I do.

I love this about you and hope you never stop acknowledging your mistakes and seeking forgiveness.
It's a good life skill.
It's shows strong character, my daughter.
It's builds strong relationships, and tears walls down.
It keeps pride at bay.
Be willing to offer forgiveness as freely as you ask for it.
And when life gets tough and you've made mistakes know that forgiveness is yours...

"For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you."
Psalm 86:5

So as you enter this next stage in life, my prayer for you my girl is...

That you'll be kind.
To yourself and to others.

That you'll find friendship.
Whether with many or only a few, real friendship.
Life can be tough, but it is so much nicer to live with a good friend by your side.
Someone to be silly with, to cry with and to give you a good 'kick in the pants' when it's needed!

That you will let yourself make mistakes.
Perfection's boring and learning is half the fun!
We all make mistakes, learn from them and move on.

That the adults that will spend so much time with you will be blessed by you.
And you by them.

That you will belive in YOU.
Remember who you are, and where you come from.
Don't compromise on the things that count...
you'll know what they are.

You are wonderfully made, and well equipped for this next stage in your journey.
I am so excited to see what plans have been made for you.
As you continue to learn to grow, I will continue to learn to let go.

Now go on and... 'Rock this Party! You've got this!'

Love, Mama

Pictures by

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